Microwave Ablation

Microwave Ablation

Key Points

  • Image-guided microwave ablation of uterine leiomyomas is a hyperthermic ablative option that is available in a limited number of countries.
  • Image-guided microwave ablation has been applied to a number of other body locations.
  • The general concept is the passage of a microwave probe through the abdominal wall under transabdominal ultrasound direction into the leiomyoma, followed by application of 50 to 100 Watts of microwave energy for a period of time that is largely related to the dimensions of the tumor.
  • The relatively limited available data suggest that the procedure can be performed safely with improvement in uterine bleeding symptoms,reduction of leiomyoma volume and quality of life outcomes. The effect on fertility, or for the treatment of leiomyoma-associated infertility is less clear.
  • Anticipated side effects seem similar to other those of UAE and the other ablative techniques including fever, nausea and vomiting.



  • -Operating room table with padded stirrups

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